How to apply for Albania digital nomad visa?

Albania is digital nomad’s favourite place, the country has calm and balanced lifestyle, digital nomads can work in best condition in Albania.

Albania introduced digital nomad visa on 2022 since that digital nomads can live in Albania and work remotely as freelancer or employee.

What’s Albania digital nomad visa?

Albania digital nomad visa

Albania digital nomad visa is a residence permit which allow remote workers to live in Albania to up to 5 years.

This visa is valid for one year, when it goes to expire digital nomads have chance to apply for extension, it can be extended up to 5 years, most countries offer 2 years digital nomad visa but fortunately Albania has a unique option and digital nomads can stay here for 5 years.

The better point is that if you want to stay more than 5 years you can apply for permanent residency, if you are a digital nomad and work remotely, meet the Albania digital nomad visa requirements you can make home Albania with it’s unique digital nomad visa.

Read more: Portugal digital nomad visa guide 

Albania digital nomad visa allow individuals to bring their family members to Albania, if you want bring your spouse and children to Albania with digital nomad visa, first apply for yourself when your digital nomad visa approved than you can apply for your family members as family reunion.

Albania digital nomad visa eligibility requirements

If you want apply for Albania digital nomad visa collect the following required documents:

Passport: you need to have a passport with minimum one year validity and tow blanket pages.

Proof of remote work: a proof of remote work is necessary, it can be work contract, job letter or partnership agreement, these all documents should show that the nature of your work is online or remote.

Income requirement: to be eligible for Albania digital nomad visa you have to earn 315 USD per month and 9,800 USD per year.

It’s the lowest income requirement among digital nomad visas, most of digital nomad visas require more than 2,000 income per month.

You will need to prove this income through Bank statement, Bank records, payslips or any other legal documents.

If you are applying for your family members also than the income requirement maybe increased.

Open Bank account in Albania: opening a Bank account in Albania is required when you apply for Albania digital nomad visa.

You may be able to open a Bank account online in Albania, there is some banks in Albania which will allow you to open Bank account with your passport and an address in Albania.

Police clearance certificate: to apply for this visa a clean criminal record is required, you can take it from the police where you live. Any criminal history will cause your visa rejection.

Health insurance: a health insurance to protect you against all risks for your entire stay in Albania is required.

Proof of accomodation: a proof that where you will stay in Albania is necessary, it can be rental agreement, hotel reservation or any other similar documents.

How to apply for Albania digital nomad visa?

If you meet the requirements for Albania digital nomad visa, here is the step by step guide that shows how you can apply for Albania digital nomad visa:

Step 1: Open A Bank Account in Albania

Opening bank account in Albania is an important requirement of Albania’s digital nomad visa, you can’t apply without it. You will need to open a Bank account in Albania.

It may be possible with passport and address in Albania, here are few Albanian Bank that you may ask for opening Bank account:

  • Tirana Bank
  • Fibank
  • Union Bank
  • United Bank of Albania
  • Banka Kombetare Tregtare

When you contacted the bank you can declare that you want open Bank account for applying Albania digital nomad visa.

Step 2: Collect the documents

Albania digital nomad visa process is online, you will need to upload all the documents digitally to the Albania eVisa system.

The following documents are required to apply for Albania digital nomad visa:

  • A copy of Passport
  • Passport sized photo
  • Proof of remote work, any agreement or work contract
  • Income requirement proof, Bank statement, payslips
  • Address & accomodation proof in Albania
  • Proof of having Bank account in Albania
  • Clean criminal record
  • Health insurance

Step 3: Submit Visa application

You can submit your visa application online through Albania eVisa Portal, the first thing you need to visit the website and create your account.

After it you will need to start a new application, choose the digital mobile worker under Visa type of D.

Add all the requested information and upload the required documents, finally pay the Visa fee and complete the visa application.

Step 4: Wait for Result

It take up to 4-6 weeks to see the result of your visa application, it’s necessary that it should take 4-6 weeks, this is maximum time most digital nomads were able to get their visas in 2 weeks.

You will receive your visa through your email in PDF format, when you receive the visa print it and it will be necessary to show during entry to Albania.

Albania digital nomad visa benefits

Extended Stay and Flexibility

The Albania digital nomad visa allows digital nomads to stay in the country for up to one year, with the possibility of renewal for 5 years.

This extended stay offers greater flexibility for remote workers, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the local culture without the pressure of short-term visa restrictions.

Low cost of living 

Albania is known for its affordable cost of living compared to many Western countries. Digital nomads can enjoy a high quality of life at a fraction of the cost they might incur in other popular destinations.

From inexpensive housing options to affordable dining and entertainment, the lower cost of living allows digital nomads to save money or allocate their budget towards travel and leisure activities.

This financial advantage makes Albania an appealing destination for remote workers looking to maximize their earnings and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

Beautiful and Diverse Landscapes

Albania boasts a stunning array of landscapes, from pristine beaches along the Ionian and Adriatic coasts to rugged mountains and serene lakes.

Digital nomads can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and water sports, all within a relatively short distance from their base.

The country’s diverse natural beauty provides a refreshing environment for remote workers, offering numerous opportunities for relaxation and adventure. This scenic backdrop can enhance the overall work-life balance and contribute to a more fulfilling remote work experience.

Rich Cultural Heritage

With a history that spans centuries, Albania offers a rich cultural heritage for digital nomads to explore.

The country is home to numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites, ancient ruins, and historic towns that reflect its diverse past. From exploring the ancient city of Butrint to visiting the medieval castles in Gjirokastër and Berat, digital nomads can immerse themselves in Albania’s unique cultural tapestry.

This deep cultural engagement can enrich their personal and professional lives, providing inspiration and a broader perspective on the world.

Growing Digital Nomad Community

Albania is becoming increasingly popular among digital nomads, leading to the growth of a vibrant and supportive community. Remote workers can connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and collaborate on projects.

The rise of coworking spaces and digital nomad hubs across major cities like Tirana provides a conducive environment for networking and professional development. This sense of community can enhance the digital nomad experience, offering support, companionship, and opportunities for personal and career growth.

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